2. januar 2012

Windows Strip-down v1.0

Hi, so I remembered that I this program laying around. It's a small app, that effectively closes every single process that isn't essential to Windows, freeing up as much memory as absolutely possible. Keep in mind, this will not stop processes with the same name as the aforementioned processes.

Note: For this program to work 100% optimally, you have to run it as an Administrator.
Right Click - Run as... - Administrator

I was too lazy to create an icon; you'll have to live with that fact.

Image of the application running on Windows XP SP3

YouTube demonstration: 

Download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19633784/win-strip-1.0.exe
C# Project file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19633784/win-strip-project.zip (Sorry for the messy code, guys)

And for the paranoid few:
VirusTotal: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=7095389ba40a9c48a4c0fdd8c44acdb1bb934d092a9d4f71c95e99cfd7dbfea3-1325541193
Jotti: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/7c84b2d050937ed2087c16a2e4432d104e05fd81


1. januar 2012

AIU People Tracker - 0.03_1 BETA

Hey, this is a just a quick update addressing some of the issues from 0.03BETA.

Bug fixes

  • Re-enabled error reporting (I always keep this turned on while coding)
  • Made a quick, temporary fix to Sweden (It had some minor issues)

And for the paranoid few:

Random Information:
  • AIUPT has 1640 lines of code
  • This update took ~2 minutes


AIU People Tracker - 0.03 BETA

So, I managed to complete 0.03BETA, albeit 2 days overdue. Anyhow, here's the changelog:


  • Fixed an error, that prevented the following countries from browsing more than the initial page:
    • United States
    • Denmark
    • Norway
  • Fixed an error, that made it possible to run more than one thread.
  • Changed the messaging system a little bit.
  • Added the following countries:
    • Finland
    • Sweden
  • Removed cross-checking for Denmark
  • Improved probability-calculation
There were problems adding UK to the list, so I'll maybe do that before the next update.
Also, I forgot all about Iceland -- it'll have to wait until 0.05BETA.

And for the paranoid few:

Things I'll add before the next update:
  • Add the following countries:
    • Germany
    • France
    • UK*
*Will only be added if I can make it work; UK's a bitch

Random information
  • AIUPT contains 1610 lines.
  • This update took ~6 hours